Whether you are extremely educated on nutrition or you haven't the slightest clue where to start, we hope the following 5 nutrition hacks can help get you moving in the right direction!
1). Stop Consuming Liquid Calories.
While Coconut water and bullet proof coffee are (healthy) often staples in the diet of many fitness community members, if you're not tracking your caloric intake and these items are part of your daily routine, they may be just the reason you aren't losing those lovehandles. Track your intake!
2). MEASURE Your Nut Butters!
One of the easiest to over consume (and most calorie dense) foods on the planet are nut butters. Now, we all know just how difficult it is to only eat 2 TBSP of Peanut/Almond Butter, but if you have aesthetic goals, we HIGHLY suggest you grab a TBSP measuring spoon and use it every time you pop that jar.
3). Replace Cow's Milk with Almond/Cashew Milk.
While the debate for / against human consumption of dairy (for health purposes) will always have people on both sides, what we do know for certain is that Cow's Milk and Dairy products in general are VERY calorie dense. Swap out cow's milk for some unsweetened vanilla Almond milk (it's best ice cold) and report back.
4). PLAN Your Meals Ahead (Meal Prep)
Have you ever heard the saying, "Failing to plan is planning to fail."? Well, that's especially true when it comes to your diet/nutrition. You are 100x more likely to default to a "quick fix" (i.e. Fast food or junk food) if you do not have meals prepped. You don't have to even go "all in" and prep an entire week's worth of food. Start with prepping the one meal a day you struggle to make the best decision for (lunch for most people) and prep those. Like now, go do that now! :)
5). Educate Yourself on What You're Putting Into Your Body
The Book It Starts With Food is a GREAT place to start when it comes to nutritional education. Written by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig (creators of the Whole 30) this books is exceptionally well written and easy to understand. Often the largest hurdle we see for many people is not always the food quantity, but the QUALITY of what they're putting into their bodies. If reading's not your thing, here's a 2 Week Free Trail + 2 Free books on Audible so you can listen to it instead!
We hope the above info has been helpful! Please feel free to share this with your friends, family, and co-workers or leave a comment! Thanks! :)